Sunday, July 17, 2011

Stardoll's New App !

Heys readers . Sorry I haven't posted in a while , I have been working on the new Stardoll Lottery coming out for the next competition here ! Tell all your friends to watch out for the lottery because the more people that enter the more money to win !

Stardoll has a new app out , and it's called "My Dream Cakes" . It is only for the iPad , and you can either decorate a birthday cake or wedding cake . You can also play these games on Stardoll HERE .
What do you think ? Let us know !

-Lexy xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Well, it is nice... I would not bother to buy an iPad because my friend says it stinks, just her comments. But, the game is nice...not something I will entertain all day long, though.
