Sunday, September 4, 2011

Free Mortal Kiss Charm Bracelet (No proxy needed)

To get this nice free charm bracelet, just click here, then drag it to your cart, and buy it.

Back to School Contest !

Hey guys . Believe it or not , it's Septmeber which means it's time for a new contest . Sadly , school is starting , but for the entire month of Spetember the crew and I will continue with Stardoll news but make the school year more interesting and post new scool trends and fashion tips ! So here's the contest rules and how to enter . ****This contest will end Sunday , September 25th , which gives you 2 full weeks !****

*Task : Get the above shirt , which is the 2nd Hot Buys of September , Hot Buys Roar Tee , from the Stardoll Girls store . Create an outfit using whatever you would like . No , you do not have to buy the shirt , just place it on your medoll in your dressing room . Add pants , a purse , or whatever you like . Every contest entry will most likely be different . When you are completed making your outfit , finish what is below .

*Rules :
1. You must take a screenshot of your outfit in your dressing room . You cannot describe your outfit , only screenshots are accepted . ALSO , YOU MUST BE A FOLLOWER OF THIS BLOG !

2. The Hot Buys Roar Tee is required to be in the outfit .

3. You can only enter the contest once , so make it good !

4. Once you have taken the screenshot , be sure to upload it to Photobucket or an online photo sharer and send me the link IN THE COMMENTS OF THIS POST .

5. Please include your Stardoll name and the link to your screenshot entry . Any additional comments are welcome .

6. Always remember to have fun && use your fashion sense that I know you all have !

*Prize : Not decided yet but there will only be one winner . Cash prize will be gaurunteed to be big .

If you do not know how to take a screenshot , here's how :

If you are using Windows , click : Print Screen && Sys request
If you are using a Mac , click : Apple && Shift && 3
If you are using a laptop , click : FN && Alt && Delete
If you still cannot get it , contact me .

-Lexy xoxo