To get the free Blue Earrings, first go to ProxySmart.info or FacebookSurfing.info .
Paste this link into the box:
Then hit go. After you log in, paste this link into the box:
Log off and log in to regular Stardoll. When you visit the Beauty Parlor, your earrings will be there! ;)
To get the free table lamp, first go to zmien.info or proxyhideout.com .
Paste this link into the box:
Then hit go. Log in, then paste this link in to the box:
Log off the proxy and return to regular Stardoll. The free lamp will be in a gift box in your suite.
**Superstar Only**
If you are not from Poland, you will need to use a proxy... go to zmien.info or proxyhideout.com .
Paste this link in to the box:
Then hit go. Paste this link into the box:
Log off the proxy then log in to regular Stardoll.
The red Dress will be in your suite in a box.
To go the free tassel bag, if you are not from Poland, you will need a proxy.
Go to zmien.info or proxyhideout.com .
Paste this link in to the box:
Hit Go.
Log in and paste this link in to the box:
Log off of the proxy and log in to regular Stardoll. The bag will be in your suite in a box.