About Contests

Our contests will begin when we have one hundred followers , which is currently twenty-five followers away . (except lotteries) Our contests will be AMAZING ; I've been saving up for a while . So if you want us to host contests , get your friends to follow and you can be a winner ! So let's skip ahead to the contests and how to enter .

All Contests:
To enter contests , you must first confirm that you are a follower of this blog , you have read the rules about recieving your prize , and you have read this page . You can confirm by commenting on the contest post . If you have not confirmed that you have done all of the required , your entry will not be counted.

Lottery Contests:
To enter the lottery contest , you must do what is required for all contests . To enter , it is very simple . You must go to the directed seller (told to you in post) . The seller will be selling Lottery Tees for a low price of only a few Stardollars . The shirt is a ticket .You can only buy a maximum of five Tees to be sure to be fair to Non-Superstars and less fortunate people . The money will be going towards the lottery .  You will have 24 (twenty-four) hours to claim your lottery prize . Lotteries generally have a 24 hour claim period .

To enter raffle giveaways , you must do what is required for all contests . Please understand that all people will have an equal chance at winning . The raffle will not in any way be fixed . Just to let you all know how it will go down, each person that enters will get a card with their name on it . It will be folded twice so you cannot see the name .  The names will be picked from a flat bowl so no names are on the bottom and generally , raffle winners will win virtual rares . The usual claim period will be in effect .

Superstar Card Giveaways:
To enter any Superstar Card giveaways, you must do what is required for all contests . Since these cards are few and far between , these competitions will have required tasks . Most tasks will be rather hard and will be required to be presented through Tiny Pic .

-Lexy xoxo