Saturday, December 12, 2009

More Miss Sixty Fall!

I am the new writer for this wonderful blog my dear friend Lexy has succeeded to create.

Have you found the newest Miss Sixty clothing? What do you think?
The prices are going higher and higher, but the designs are beautyful! I have noticed that the colour red is very fashionable and fabulous for this time of the year, and it is used a lot right now. It would be great to start saving up that fancy cash of yours, to see if these items will go on sale at the end of the month!

Your new writer,

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Stardoll Reply

Heys . It's your owner, Lexy.
I wanted to let you know, we have a new writer! :D
Her name is 97_Stara_97. I'm very proud to be hiring her!
Anyways, the picture is about Stardoll's reply to me. I had recently sent Stardoll a message about the Dollar-A-Day Program and how I felt.
I know you can't read the response from where you are now, so click the picture to enlarge it so you can actually read our conversation.

And by the way, I know who is writing nasty comments on my blog in the CBox. I can track you and your comments down. So you can stop before I rad you out. It's not nice. So leave. Kay, you jerk?

-Lexy xoxo

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Weird Friends List Encounter! :O

Is this weird or what?
As you probably already know, I comment my friends on my friends list with their names. All my friends have their name in the comments. While I was in the middle of writing my new friend's name on my friend list, it was very slow. I waited patiently, but the the 'Group' button was no longer named 'Group'. The Group button had turned into my comment. Weird, right?
-Lexy xoxo