Sunday, September 4, 2011

Back to School Contest !

Hey guys . Believe it or not , it's Septmeber which means it's time for a new contest . Sadly , school is starting , but for the entire month of Spetember the crew and I will continue with Stardoll news but make the school year more interesting and post new scool trends and fashion tips ! So here's the contest rules and how to enter . ****This contest will end Sunday , September 25th , which gives you 2 full weeks !****

*Task : Get the above shirt , which is the 2nd Hot Buys of September , Hot Buys Roar Tee , from the Stardoll Girls store . Create an outfit using whatever you would like . No , you do not have to buy the shirt , just place it on your medoll in your dressing room . Add pants , a purse , or whatever you like . Every contest entry will most likely be different . When you are completed making your outfit , finish what is below .

*Rules :
1. You must take a screenshot of your outfit in your dressing room . You cannot describe your outfit , only screenshots are accepted . ALSO , YOU MUST BE A FOLLOWER OF THIS BLOG !

2. The Hot Buys Roar Tee is required to be in the outfit .

3. You can only enter the contest once , so make it good !

4. Once you have taken the screenshot , be sure to upload it to Photobucket or an online photo sharer and send me the link IN THE COMMENTS OF THIS POST .

5. Please include your Stardoll name and the link to your screenshot entry . Any additional comments are welcome .

6. Always remember to have fun && use your fashion sense that I know you all have !

*Prize : Not decided yet but there will only be one winner . Cash prize will be gaurunteed to be big .

If you do not know how to take a screenshot , here's how :

If you are using Windows , click : Print Screen && Sys request
If you are using a Mac , click : Apple && Shift && 3
If you are using a laptop , click : FN && Alt && Delete
If you still cannot get it , contact me .

-Lexy xoxo


  1. my stardoll name is theanais4
    to see the outfit much better zoom in x)

    here's the link:

  2. my stardoll name is amber4ever90

    here's the link to the outfit:

    xxx amber hope i will win!:)

  3. My Stardoll Name Is KaitehXD

    Here's The Link To The Outfit I've Made:

    Thanks![: x
